Introducing: Baby Samuel!

I got up early one recent Sunday morning to spend some time with three month old Samuel, and proud parents Becky and Joe. I was introduced to the family through a mutual friend, who at brunch one day said  “my friend Becky has the cutest little baby!” and I jumped on the opportunity and responded “Does she need family portraits taken?! Would she let me do it?!”.  Well, two weeks later I found myself sitting at Starbucks with Becky, Joe, and adorable Samuel.   Becky and Joe hesitantly told me when we first met to discuss their hopes and dreams for the session that Samuel was happiest at around 7:30 in the morning.  Now, I understood their hesitation because usually, teachers enjoy sleeping in and sipping their morning coffee in silence on the weekend (Becky knows this, she’s a teacher too) but how could I pass up the opportunity to capture the family at Samuel’s happiest time?!  So I drove over, and they couldn’t have been more right, he was full of smiles, and even a little bit of talking here and there.  Take a peek through the lens at my morning with this adorable family.








As you can see, it was an amazing day full of giggles, smiles, and even the dog behaved for photos!  What an amazing family!  Thanks so much Becky, Joe, and Little Samuel!

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